About the Journal
Jurnal Agrifoodtech (e-ISSN: 2963-7414, p-ISSN: 2963-7422) is a journal published 2 (two) times a year in June and December by the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang, which is a publication for academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of food and Agricultural Technology and its related fields.
Jurnal Agrifoodtech is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal that aims to expose the scientific discoveries or innovations that focus on food and agricultural technology, i.e., food quality and safety, food biotechnology, food biochemistry, food processing technology and agricultural products, food nutrition and functional food, agroindustry management, and non-food agricultural product processing technology (essential oil, bio-energy, etc.).
Current Issue

Journal of Agrifoodtech e-ISSN: 2963-7414, p-ISSN: 2963-7422 is a journal published 2 (two) times a year in June and December by the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of 17 August 1945, Semarang is a scientific periodical which is a publication for academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Food Technology and Agricultural Products which contains articles raised from research results in the field of Food Technology.
Journal of Agrifoodtech is expected to be a forum for conveying scientific discoveries or innovations that focus on food science and technology research to support sustainable agro-industry, food technology and agricultural products, and food microbiology. Journal of Agrifoodtech is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal focusing on the Food Technology field.
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