Publication of West Java Leaders’ Activities on Instagram @biroadpimjabar In an Effort to Implement Good Governance


  • Diwan Setiawan Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia
  • Achwan Noorlistyo Adi Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia
  • Centurion Chandratama Priyatna Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Eny Ratnasari Universitas Tidar


good governance, instagram, social media, the circular model of some, west java leadership administration


Good governance is a necessity in running the government. The West Java government has made various efforts to implement good governance, one of which is the publication of leaders’ activities on Instagram @biroadpimjabar. The publication aims to raise awareness among the people of West Java by sharing informative and educational content about the activities of West Java leaders and their internal teams, as well as some useful information about West Java. The main purpose of this research is to explore how information about leaders' activities is Share, Optimize, Manage, and Engage as the concept of The Circular Model of SOME by Regina Luttrell. The method used in this research is qualitative. Data was collected through observation and in-depth interviews. The results showed that at the Share stage, the shared content of the leader's activities showed transparency so that it could build public trust. In the Optomize stage, the leader uses interesting video content and informative captions. In the Manage stage, a third application is used to monitor the performance of social media to evaluate its activation. The last stage is Engage, for interaction and community involvement in the form of comments and direct messages, even more followers want to conduct audience activities with West Java leaders after learning about the @biroadpimjabar account. These findings provide recommendations for improving public communication strategies to strengthen the implementation of good governance in West Java.


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How to Cite

Publication of West Java Leaders’ Activities on Instagram @biroadpimjabar In an Effort to Implement Good Governance. (2024). Proceedings of International Conference on Social, Politics, Administration, and Communication Sciences, 1(2), 53-74.

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