Building Anti-Radicalism Learning Spaces: The Synergy of Architecture, Place Authenticity, and Social Networks


  • Rini Werdiningsih Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang
  • Eko Nursanty Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang


socially adaptive learning, authenticity of place, educational architecture, social networks, effective curriculum management


Radicalism remains a widespread global threat, especially in multicultural countries like Indonesia. Educational institutions play an essential role in countering radical ideologies by shaping students' characters to foster resilience against extremism. This paper explores how the synergy between architectural design, the authenticity of the place, and social adaptive learning through social networks and effective curriculum management contributes to creating an effective anti-radicalism learning environment. Using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method, this study examines existing literature on educational architecture, place-based learning, effective learning curriculum and integration of social networks in character education. The review highlights how architectural spaces that encourage collaboration and interaction can help foster inclusivity, open dialogue, and social cohesion—key elements in preventing radicalization. In addition, the concept of authenticity of place, which emphasizes the connection between students and their local cultural heritage, is identified as an important factor in building tolerance and social awareness alongside the implementation of an effective learning curriculum. Through place-based learning, students can develop a stronger sense of identity and belonging so that they are less easily influenced by extremist ideologies. Furthermore, integrating social networks into educational environments is examined for their role in promoting socially adaptive learning. Social platforms provide opportunities for students to engage with diverse perspectives, develop critical thinking, and build empathy—skills that are essential to counter radicalization. The SLR method allows for a comprehensive synthesis of research findings, offering new insights into how educational spaces can be designed to foster anti-radicalism character. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on the relationship between architecture, cultural context, effective curriculum implementation, and digital learning and offers recommendations for educational institutions to enhance their role in preventing radicalization.


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How to Cite

Building Anti-Radicalism Learning Spaces: The Synergy of Architecture, Place Authenticity, and Social Networks. (2024). Proceedings of International Conference on Social, Politics, Administration, and Communication Sciences, 1(1), 100-116.

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