Innovation Of Death Certificate Services At The Department Of Population And Civil Registration Of Bandung City, West Java


  • Ginanjar Wira Saputra Universitas Langlangbuana
  • Cecep Suarha Universitas Langlangbuana
  • Rahma Triadi Universitas Langlangbuana
  • Tati Sarihati Universitas Langlangbuana


death certificate, innovation, service


Innovation in service delivery is essential for the progress of the public sector, particularly in the issuance of death certificates by the Bandung City Population and Civil Registration Office (Disdukcapil). This study aims to identify and evaluate service innovations in this field, focusing on their impact on efficiency and user satisfaction. Using a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach, data were collected through direct observation, staff interviews, and document review. Findings reveal that Disdukcapil has implemented innovations like an online messaging and registration system, enabling citizens to apply for death certificates online, upload required documents, and complete electronic payments. These changes have reportedly enhanced service delivery, with user feedback indicating improved accessibility and time savings. However, challenges such as initial user adaptation and technical constraints were encountered, which affected the implementation process. This research highlights the sustainable benefits of service innovation in public administration, offering insights for further improvements in future practices..


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How to Cite

Innovation Of Death Certificate Services At The Department Of Population And Civil Registration Of Bandung City, West Java. (2024). Proceedings of International Conference on Social, Politics, Administration, and Communication Sciences, 1(2), 138-150.

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