Analysis Of The Interaction Of Political Actors In Organisations On The Determinants Of Employee Performance


  • Tri Lestari Hadiati Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang
  • Duwi Astuti Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang


political actors, work quality, teamwork, work ability, quality of political interaction, responsibility


Employee performance is a determinant factor in achieving organisational political goals, including in the context of organisational service decline. This study aims to analyse the quality of political actor interactions in organisations through various dimensions of employee performance, at the Salatiga Environmental Health Laboratory (BBLKL), Ministry of Health. The research approach used is complementary quantitative research. The data collection method was conducted by survey. The results showed that partially, work quality, responsibility, and teamwork have a significant influence on the quality of interaction of political actors in the organisation. The quality of work dimension has the strongest influence with a t-count value of 4.623. Responsibility and teamwork also show significant influence with t_count values of 2.787 and 2.728 respectively. However, the work ability dimension does not show a significant influence on the quality of interaction of political actors in the organisation with a t-count value of 1.626. Simultaneously, the four dimensions of employee performance have a significant influence on the quality of interaction of political actors in the organisation, indicated by the F_hitung value of 75.. The regression model used is able to explain 69.5% of the variation in the quality of employee performance, while the remaining 30.5% is explained by other factors not studied. Based on these findings, it is recommended to improve the quality of employee performance through an elite performance evaluation system of political actors as leaders, strengthening the sense of responsibility and teamwork, and leaders re-evaluating the work ability dimension.


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How to Cite

Analysis Of The Interaction Of Political Actors In Organisations On The Determinants Of Employee Performance. (2024). Proceedings of International Conference on Social, Politics, Administration, and Communication Sciences, 1(1), 37-48.

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