Environmental Crime Prevention: Understanding Digital Transformation and Actors in Preventing Land and Forest Fires in Indonesia


  • Syahrul Akmal Latief Universitas Islam Riau
  • Alfajri Alfajri Universitas Islam Riau
  • Riky Novarizal Universitas Islam Riau


actors, digital transformation, environmental crime, governance, prevention


The crime of burning land and forests in Indonesia has caused transboundary haze, sparking diplomatic disputes between Indonesia and its neighboring countries in recent years. The Indonesian government remains committed to achieving the Southeast Asia regional goal of having a haze-free ASEAN. Despite implementing several policy measures, the incidence of crime persists. This paper discusses the need to understand the digital transformation and challenges of ground-level actors who deal with Indonesia's land and forest fires to prevent environmental crimes. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, and the data collection techniques vary, including field observation, documentation, and semi-structured interviews. The research uses the theory of Actor Network Theory (ANT). The research findings indicate that promoting a better digital transformation and understanding the challenges faced by ground-level actors in Indonesia's land and forest fire prevention governance is crucial. Relevant actors must continuously improve digital technology to prevent fire occurrences, including the use of Sipongi, a web-based information system, and a mobile application for early detection and control of land and forest fires. At the same time, defusing power struggles and promoting strong collaboration among prevention actors in Indonesia's land and forest fire control are keys to better prevention measures.


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How to Cite

Environmental Crime Prevention: Understanding Digital Transformation and Actors in Preventing Land and Forest Fires in Indonesia. (2024). Proceedings of International Conference on Social, Politics, Administration, and Communication Sciences, 1(2), 189-203. https://jurnal2.untagsmg.ac.id/index.php/ICoSPACS/article/view/2416

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