Implementing Agile Governance in Public Administration: A Case Study of the Integrated Population Queue System in Bandung Regency


  • Emi Rachmawati Langlangbuana University
  • Amri Yusri Langlangbuana University
  • Winston Karuna Langlangbuana University
  • Dewi Andhani Langlangbuana University
  • Tati Tati Langlangbuana University


Agile Governance, Digital Transformation, Integrated Queuing System, Public Administration Service, Service Efficiency


Since early 2021, the population administration service in Bandung Regency has been supported by service innovations implementation through an online service system, with the presence of the SAKEDAP application. Hence, the Population and Civil Registration Office of Bandung Regency makes use of Information and Communication Technology as an application of Agile Governance in order to deal with the dynamics of the environment. Nevertheless, at the implementation level of the newest version of SAKEDAP application, the limit of the Q-Ban is only 150 queues a day from 4,000 applicants per day. To tackle these problems, outreach should be tailored through a broad range of accessible media platforms, the recruitment of IT specialists to assure the strength of the system and the ability to increase capacity when necessary. Such measures, which, will enhance public understanding and easier access to services, are consistent with the ideals of the good governance which espouses efficiency and responsiveness. The objective of this study is to discover and analyze Agile Governance based Integrated Population Queue System Service in the Population and Civil Registration Office of Bandung Regency. Observer-participant, in-depth interviews and document review were the main data collection techniques used. In addition to Good Enough Governance, business- driven, Human Focused, Based on Quick Wins, Systematic and Adaptive Approach, Simple design and Continuous Responsiveness, based on the research conducted, the researcher found the responsiveness factor or the ability factor, which is intended to help and provide fast service to customers with clear information and can support the successful implementation of Agile Governance.


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How to Cite

Implementing Agile Governance in Public Administration: A Case Study of the Integrated Population Queue System in Bandung Regency. (2024). Proceedings of International Conference on Social, Politics, Administration, and Communication Sciences, 1(2), 17-26.

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