About the Journal
Jurnal Teknik Sipil |e-ISSN: 2963-6701, p-ISSN: 2963-7287| merupakan Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian ilmiah yang diterbitkan Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang yang terbit setiap 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Jurnal ini menerima naskah dalam semua bidang Teknik Sipil dan aplikasinya diantaranya yaitu Teknik Struktur/Kontruksi, Geoteknik, Managemen Kontruksi, Hidrologi dan Transportasi.
Current Issue

Jurnal Teknik Sipil |e-ISSN: 2963-6701, p-ISSN: 2963-7287| is published by University 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang. Jurnal Teknik Sipil welcomes contributions which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators and civil engineering researchers. This journal provides researchers and practitioners in structural and civil engineering with a unique forum for disseminating new ideas and techniques with significant potential impact. This journal is dedicated to advancing the boundary of knowledge and technology by encouraging cross-disciplinary researches and innovative applications in major engineering projects. The journal intends to capture and archive in a timely manner and in one venue significant advancements of a broad field that encompasses. Jurnal Teknik Sipil is published 2 (two) times a year in Juni and Desember
Penerapan Value Engineering pada Pembangunan Gedung Sekolah SDN 2 Panjer, Bali
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Analisis dan Pengendalian Risiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) pada Pembangunan GOR Bulu Tangkis UNDIP dengan Metode HIRADC
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Inovasi Beton Ramah Lingkungan dengan Pemanfaatan Limbah Grabeka sebagai Agregat Substitusi
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Building Structure Analysis Case Study Of Muhammadiyah Bima 2 Campus Building
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Studi Korelasi Antara Arus, Kecepatan, dan Kepadatan Lalu Lintas di Jalan Pemuda km. 3 Kolaka
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Analisis Kebisingan Lalu Lintas dan Generator Set Kampus Universitas Semarang
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Jurnal Teknik Sipil welcomes contributions which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators and civil engineering researchers. This journal provides researchers and practitioners in structural and civil engineering with a unique forum for disseminating new ideas and techniques with significant potential impact. This journal is dedicated to advancing the boundary of knowledge and technology by encouraging cross-disciplinary researches and innovative applications in major engineering projects. The journal intends to capture and archive in a timely manner and in one venue significant advancements of a broad field that encompasses. Jurnal Teknik Sipil is published 2 (two) times a year in Juni and Desember.