Publicness and Policy Context: Support and challenges in Regional Development Planning Process In Indonesia


  • Sri Juni Woro Astuti Universitas Wijaya Putra


Publicness, Regional Development Plan, Policy Environment


This study examines how the policy environment surrounding the regional development planning process starts with development plan deliberations and how much of the publicity spirit is actually there. The degree to which the development plan's deliberative process actually creates a public forum for people to voice their goals and to what extent these objectives constitute a study of publicness. Community compliance is a visible aspect of the policy environment. Decision making regarding regional development policies and initiatives is known as regional development planning. The development planning meeting is the most crucial step. The meeting serves as a means to communicate the goals and objectives of the community, including various stakeholders. Thus, the degree to which the public's sentiment and the policy environment favourably impact the follow-up to the outcomes of the "musrenbang" is one factor that influences the effectiveness of the Musrenbang. This study, which used a qualitative descriptive methodology, was carried out in a number of East Javan villages that served as samples for the three political divisions in the area. This study is backed not only by primary data but also by secondary data from other studies and publications. . This study concludes that the regional development plan has not fully reflected the real value of publicness, and the policy environment is still not conducive to the completion of the regional development plan that is actually able to realize the objectives of regional development, which in turn can foster regional competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Publicness and Policy Context: Support and challenges in Regional Development Planning Process In Indonesia. (2025). Proceedings of International Conference on Social, Politics, Administration, and Communication Sciences, 1(2), 123-137.

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