Relevansi Tujuan Era Society 5.0 terhadap Complex Problem Solving, Social Skill, Marketing, dan Process Skill dalam Perilaku Sumber Daya Manusia (PSDM) dan Pemasaran Digital (PD) di Bidang Pertambangan


  • Yeni Susanti Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Emelia Rizki Maulida Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Syahrial Shaddiq Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Khuzaini Khuzaini Universitas Islam Kalimantan (UNISKA)
  • Daddy Fahmanadie Universitas Lambung Mangkurat



Era, Society 5.0, PSDM, PD, Mining


The main goal of designing the Society 5.0 concept is to build a human-centered society, balance economic and social progress, and create new value through technological developments. The development of human resources (HR) in the era of digitalization has become the focus of attention of many companies. In this era, information and communication technology has changed the way of working and interaction between individuals and organizations. Therefore, the main focus of this article is to find out how the relevance of the goals to be achieved in the Society 5.0 era to the aspects needed in human resource management, namely Complex Problem Solving (CPS), Social Skills (SS), and Process Skills (PS) in Human Resource Behavior (PSDM) and Digital Marketing (PD) which are studied using qualitative research methods. The results of the study show that in synthesis, Complex Problem Solving, Social Skill, Marketing, and Process Skill are three very important abilities in HR behavior in the Society 5.0 era. They help HR to solve complex problems, interact with others, and manage industrial processes effectively and efficiently. The relevance of the goals of the Society 5.0 era to Complex Problem Solving, Social Skills, Marketing, and Process Skills in PSDM and PD is very significant. The Society 5.0 era prioritizes the use of technology to improve the quality of human life, so human resources must have the ability to adapt to technological changes and build competencies that are in accordance with the needs of organizations in the mining world.


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