Author Guidelines

Author Guide

The following are instructions for writing a paper in the Jurnal Akta Notaris issued by the Notary Masters Study Program, Faculty of Law, University of 17 August 1945 Semarang. The authors are fully responsible for the contents of the manuscripts written and the manuscripts are writings that have never been published. The reference list is made sequentially starting from 1, 2, 3 and so on.


The title is written using Times New Roman (14 Pt) and should not exceed 15 words

Authora, Authorb
a Agency, Country
b Agency, Country, *(Mark Corresponding Author)


Abstract text is written in English with Times New Roman 11pt, single spaced, up to approximately 250 words. Abstract writing is made clear, concise and descriptive. Abstract as far as possible describes the background, problem formulation, research methods and research results.


Teks abstrak ditulis dengan bahasa Indonesia dengan huruf Times New Roman 11pt, satu spasi, sampai kurang lebih 250 kata. Penulisan abstrak dibuat secara jelas, ringkas dan deskriptif. Abstrak sedapat mungkin menggambarkan latar belakang, rumusan masalah, metode penelitian dan hasil penelitian.


Notaris; Akta Autentik; Cyber Notary; UUJN.


The introduction must be able to attract attention and must be able to convince the reader about the importance of writing that has been done by showing the das sollen design.


The method is optional, only for research articles. Types of normative research with a certain approach. Write down the type of research, location, data sources, and data analysis techniques used in the research. Highlight the approach, how the data is analyzed, not how the data is collected.


The results serve to objectively describe the main results of the research, without interpretation, arranged logically using text and illustrations (Tables and Figures). This section should always begin with text reporting the main results and then refer to Figures and Tables for general information as well as specific results. A summary of the results of statistical analysis can be written in text form (usually written in parentheses) or in tables or figures. The discussion functions to interpret the results of observations. Explain how your results change or are in line with research results that have been reported in the literature. Review the main literature related to the research results. By referring back to the literature, information that previously seemed insignificant may be a link and support for the interpretation you provide. Make sure that you cite the referenced literature. Present data that supports the discussion.


Written briefly, clearly, concisely, and descriptively. Answer the formulation of research problems that describe innovation from the results of the discussion. Closing contains conclusions and suggestions.


References and footnotes at the end of the manuscript must be provided in the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note). Articles can be quoted from: Journals, books, articles or electronic publications, magazines, guidelines, symposiums, papers, laws, government regulations, theses, dissertations and newspapers. Cite only items that you have read and written about in the footnotes. Please use a Reference Manager Application such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. All publications cited in the text must be included as a bibliography, arranged alphabetically by author. As an example:

Álvarez, I. G. “Environmental Information: Special Reference to Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Spain.” Social Responsibility Journal 4, no. 3 (2008): 378.

Gaho, Indranas, and Aniek Tyaswati Wiji Lestari. “Tanggung Jawab Badan Hukum Koperasi Terhadap Non Anggota Koperasi Dalam Dana Investasi Berbentuk Simpanan Berjangka Yang Mengalami Gagal Bayar.” Notary Law Research 4, no. 1 (November 11, 2022): 1–13.

Munif, Denis Ventidenada. “Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelanggaran Pembangunan Bangunan Gedung Di Kota Semarang.” MAGISTRA Law Review 3, no. 02 (July 30, 2022): 124–36.