Reformasi Birokrasi dan Good Governance

Studi Kasus pada DPM-PTSP Kota Medan


  • Windu Anggara UIN Sumatera Utara Medan
  • Sofyandi Lubis UIN Sumatera Utara Medan



Accountability, Bureaucratic Reform, Good governance, Public Service, Transparency


This study examines the effectiveness of bureaucratic reform in achieving good governance at the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Agency (DPM-PTSP) of Medan City. The objective is to evaluate how bureaucratic reform impacts performance and transparency in public service delivery. The research method employed is qualitative, using a case study approach, involving indepth interviews and document analysis. The findings reveal that bureaucratic reform has positively influenced the efficiency, accountability, and transparency of DPM-PTSP Medan City. In conclusion, bureaucratic reform is a crucial instrument in achieving good governance in the public sector. 


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