Analisis Sentimen Ulasan Aplikasi Shopee Menggunakan Algoritma Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, dan Support Vector Machine di Kota Semarang
Random Forest, TF-IDF, Analisis sentiment, Support Vector Machine, Naive BayesAbstract
The growth of e-commerce in Indonesia has led to the emergence of various online shopping platforms, with Shopee being one of the most popular in Semarang City. User reviews on the Shopee application serve as a valuable data source for analyzing customer satisfaction levels; however, the large volume of data requires a systematic and accurate analytical approach. This study aims to analyze user review sentiments of the Shopee application using three machine learning algorithms: Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, and Support Vector Machine (SVM), as well as comparing the accuracy of these three algorithms. This research utilized 1000 reviews collected through web scraping from the Play Store, which were categorized into three classifications: positive, neutral, and negative sentiments. The analysis process encompassed pre-processing stages, feature extraction using TF-IDF, and classification using Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, and Support Vector Machine algorithms. The results demonstrated that the Random Forest algorithm achieved the highest accuracy at 96.19%, followed by Support Vector Machine with 95.71% accuracy, and Naïve Bayes with 84.76% accuracy. This research highlights the effectiveness of Random Forest and SVM in classifying user review sentiments towards the Shopee application.
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